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New Paketit Business Portal

We have developed a new, convenient Parcels Business Portal for our contract customers. The Parcels Business Portal serves as a modern channel for business customers, allowing them not only to create consignments and pick-up orders, but also to contact the Customer Service directly as well as view and manage their own company-specific information.

Get the new Parcels Business Portal now – the MPaketti customer interface was closed on 10 June 2024.

Switching to the new portal is easy by taking the following steps:

1. Check your customer details

Start here. To log in to the Business Portal with your current credentials, you must have an email address stored in your user data.

2. Log in

The new Parcels Business Portal works in the browser and does not require any separate software to be installed.

You can log in to the Business Portal from any computer using your MPaketti credentials.

Almost all of the customer and user-specific information stored in the old MPaketti customer interface has been migrated to the Parcels Business Portal.

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3. Learn how to use it

While the new Parcels Business Portal has all the same features as the MPaketti customer interface, the new portal is much more agile and intuitive to use.

  • Pre-completed and stored shipping templates reduce manual work for recurring consignments.
  • Easy access to our Customer Service. No need to add any information about your company or your consignment, as you can contact us directly from the consignment details page.
  • Less speculation, more plain facts. The reports in the Business Portal help you stay updated about your deliveries.
  • Accurate price estimates based on the weight, dimensions and service data entered in the price calculator.
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Frequently asked questions

To begin with, the sender address you use is stored on the consignment creation page for the duration of the login. We will later introduce an option to set a user-specific default sender address.

If you have saved recipient information in the address book, you can search for a recipient in the search field by customer number, name or address details, such as street address or postcode. Please note that you cannot search for information with a Matkahuolto customer number. The search will only work through the search field, not for example by entering a customer number or name and moving to the next field.

  • You can save the recipient’s information directly when creating a consignment by selecting the “Save recipient to address book” button at the bottom of the recipient section.
  • In addition, you can save recipient information in the address book section either individually by clicking the Create New button or alternatively by importing recipient information from a csv file.

Arrival notifications are always sent by text message if a telephone number is included in the details of the consignment. If there is both a phone number and an email address, the arrival notification will be sent to both. If the recipient has the Paketit app, it may be that he or she has also subscribed to notifications through it.

It is a good idea to include your phone number and email address in all consignments, including those delivered to the recipient’s address. This way, if the delivery fails for one reason or another, we can inform the recipient where to pick up the consignment. As the delivery times for paper letters are getting longer all the time and the holding time for parcels is 7 days, we prefer electronic notification. Providing a phone number is also recommended to ensure that in the event of a delivery obstacle (for example, a locked door), our driver can call the recipient.

You can save the consignment if you fill in the recipient’s email address. One piece of information, either a phone number or an email address, is sufficient.

You must obtain the customer number to be used from the payer. We recommend saving the customer number as part of the recipient’s information in the address book, so you don’t have to write it separately each time.

You can import recipient addresses in CSV format. In the address book, on the Recipients tab, there is an Import CSV link after the address list. Click on the link to open a window where you can search for a file to download from your device. The file must be in the correct format, i.e. contain the required fields. The easiest way to get the format is to export one or more addresses from the address book by clicking on the Download CSV link and using this file as a template. More information about exporting addresses: if you have selected one or more rows by ticking the checkbox, the Download CSV function will only export the selected rows to the file. However, if no selections have been made, all the rows in the address book will be imported into the file.

Yes, but you will not be able to create the main company address, which Matkahuolto will create for you.

You cannot delete the sender address set as the main address.

On the home page (in the Consignments section), select Create a Return Consignment and choose the service you want for your incoming consignment. There are differences in the product types available for outgoing and return consignments, e.g. the Customer Return product type is only available for return consignments.

You can order a pick-up either directly when creating a consignment or alternatively, in the consignment list view for several consignments at a time, by first selecting all consignments to be picked up using the checkboxes on the right, and then clicking the Order Pick-up button.

Create a consignment template and enter the information you want in the Content field (which can be found below the product type and extra services). At the same time, you can also store any other information related to the consignment, such as sender, recipient, payer or reference information.

In the Paketit Business Portal, the default product type functionality has been replaced by consignment templates. With a customer name or customer number, you can create a consignment template where you can store not only the product type, but also any information related to the creation of the consignment.

Consignment templates can be used to store any information related to the creation of a consignment. They can be used, for example, for different types of delivery (e.g. “warehouse-to-store” or “consumer-to-pick-up point”) or to specify recipient-specific details (e.g. attaching a specific pick-up point and reference information to a consignment template called “Customer A”).

If you want to save a consignment template without having filled in all the fields required to create a consignment, you must save it in the Consignment Templates section by clicking on the Create New button.

The recipient’s contact details can be edited throughout the delivery process. If an attempt has already been made to send an arrival notification to an incorrect phone number or email address, a new message will be sent after correcting the number.

A parcel can be transferred to another pick-up point at no extra charge if the parcel has not yet arrived for delivery by Matkahuolto. Once a parcel has been taken to a pick-up point for collection, it can be transferred to another pick-up point for a fee. If a parcel has already been taken out for collection, it is not possible to transfer it from or to a parcel locker (other service points only).

At the initial stage, it is not possible to edit all the information of the parcel, even if it has not yet been received by Matkahuolto for processing. More consignment editing functions will be developed later. For example, an incorrect parcel weight is not a problem because Matkahuolto weighs and measures parcels during the transport process.

At the initial stage, consignments cannot be removed. More consignment editing options will be available later. If you wish, you can delete parcels via the MPaketti customer interface. However, extra parcels are not a problem from Matkahuolto’s point of view, and parcels are never invoiced unless there are physical registrations for them.

You can see your ordered pick-ups when viewing an individual consignment at the top of the page, above the recipient information.

At the initial stage, a pick-up cannot be cancelled via the Paketit Business Portal; this functionality will be developed later.

At its pick-up points, Matkahuolto has switched to handing over parcels with code verification instead of ID cards, and code verification will later also be introduced for deliveries to the recipient’s address. This is why the acknowledgement information is not visible in the Paketit Business Portal.

For example, you can view shipment volumes, average parcel weights, delivery speed, how quickly recipients pick up parcels, deviations, and invoicing.

You can select a period of your choice by opening the calendar from the Select menu in the upper right-hand corner of the graphs. You can choose a single month or several months. Several months can be selected by clicking first on the start month and then on the end month. Data is available for the previous two years.

The report shows all consignments which Matkahuolto has started processing during the reporting month. You can see the consignment quantities for Pick-up Parcels, Home Delivery, Business Parcels and Customer Returns. The Other category includes all other products.

The display of deviations is based on Matkahuolto’s records of shipments. In individual cases, it is possible that a deviation may not appear if, for example, a human error causes the record not to be made. Normally, deviations are recorded after a short delay.

If you want to contact us about a specific consignment, the easiest way is to go to the consignment list on the homepage and open the details of an individual consignment, which will display a contact form.

Contact details for customer service can be found on the Customer Service page.

Claims for damages must still be made via the damages form on the website.

Yes. If you have a user ID for the customer interface, you can use it to log into Paketit Business Portal.

As a rule, the access rights are the same as in the MPaketti customer interface. However, there has been a slight change in the way rights are managed. Instead of the old role-based rights (end user, warehouse user, financial user), the Paketit Business Portal has function-specific rights, which may result in slight differences in the rights. See also the question on access rights.



The administrator has access to all the functions of the customer portal. Only the administrator can create, edit or delete users.


Various function-based rights can be assigned to a normal user. Function-based rights are not interdependent or mutually exclusive, so any combination is possible.


Creating consignments and pick-up orders

Creating and editing consignments, and printing address cards. Ordering pick-ups. The right to create consignments includes the right to create recipients in the address book.

If you have the right to create consignments but not the right to browse consignments, you will not be able to browse stored consignments.

Browsing consignments and pick-up orders

You can view a list of your own consignments and access detailed information on individual consignments. (You can view ordered pick-ups. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED IN THE PILOT VERSION)

Price estimate for a consignment

You can see a price estimate for the consignment you are creating, as well as the actual prices when viewing individual consignments, if you have the right to create or browse consignments.


You can view reports on your company’s consignments, as well as invoicing and quality data. Includes the right to see the company’s price list.

Management of company data

You can manage your company data, such as sender addresses, the time limit for customer returns and the default pick-up point for incoming consignments, as well as see the price list. Includes the right to see the price list.

Note! Even users who are not allowed to edit the company’s own data can see company data other than the price list, but these users cannot edit the company data.

A user who does not have any rights can log in and see their own data and the customer service page.

Yes it can. There is no limit to the number of administrators.

Only administrators can create and edit users and access rights. However, users can update their own data, such as the language of the Paketit Business Portal and the print size of address cards.

·Almost all customer or user-specific data stored in the MPaketti customer interface, such as company users, address book (‘Customers’ in the MPaketti customer interface), the default address card print size, and the MPaketti language selection have been passed on to the Paketit business portal. Features that did not pass as such include the default product type for one’s company and the customer, the default freight payer and default notification address, and the standard product description for one’s company. These features have been replaced by consignment templates, with a wider range of options for specifying any type of consignment data.

The user will retain role-based access to the MPaketti customer interface. Therefore, if the user logs into the MPaketti customer interface, the user’s rights are restored. If you wish to remove or change rights, you must remove them from both systems. This is only a problem during the transitional period when both systems are in use.

Sender addresses of the company

Time limit for returning parcels. This is used to manage the return option for consumers in the Matkahuolto mobile app and website.

Default pick-up point for incoming consignments. If you wish, you can set a default pick-up point to which we will direct incoming pick-up point consignments that have your Matkahuolto contract number in the recipient information. If you have agreed with Matkahuolto on standard delivery, you do not need to set a default pick-up point.

You can also see the current company-specific price list in the Price list section.

You can manage user-specific information, language selection and address card print size.

Which access rights are available for the old user roles?






Creating consignment and pick-up ordersx xx
Browsing consignment and pick-up ordersxxxx
Price etimate for a consignment xxx
Reports x x
Management of company data x x
Administrator   x

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