How to send a parcel
Purchase the parcel and any additional services from the online parcel store or the Matkahuolto Paketit app.
Write the activation code indicated on your order confirmation, together with the name and phone number of the recipient, clearly on the parcel. Also add your name. Or print out the address label provided with your order confirmation.
Bring your parcel within 14 days to any Matkahuolto parcel locker or parcel point, of which there are more than 2,500 around Finland. Use the Service Point Search to locate the nearest parcel point or parcel locker.
Use the consignment number to track your parcel in the Matkahuolto Paketit app or Track & Trace.
Need help? We will be happy to help you at the Parcel Services helpline on 0600 11300 (Mon-Fri 8-18, Sat 9-17). Call price €1.98/min per answered call + local charge. For queuing, you only pay the local/mobile charge.
Frequently asked questions about sending a parcel
Manage all your parcels in one app!