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Updates to nationwide series tickets as of 1 May 2023 – use the Trips and Tickets app to purchase


The season and series tickets currently on Matkahuolto’s travel cards will be gradually transferred to the Trips and Tickets application. When all the nationwide series tickets are moved to the application on 1 May 2023, the entire ticket selection will be updated at the same time.

New nationwide series tickets 

When updating the nationwide series tickets, we have taken steps to ensure that the new products respond to the customers’ changing needs as effectively as possible. For example, as a result of increased telecommuting, people no longer necessarily travel to work on a daily basis, which is another reason why 44-trip tickets have been replaced by other products with a lower number of trips. Additionally, we have eliminated tickets no longer in demand.   

Updates in a nutshell

  • The new nationwide series tickets include 10, 20, 40 or 44 trips.

  • All are valid for 30 days. The 44-trip nationwide series ticket offers the option of a 180-day validity period .

  • The nationwide series ticket is good for travel on all services without any need for a special express fare ticket.

  • At the same time, series tickets for trips of over 300 km, personal series tickets and the Prepaid22 series tickets for students will be phased out due to low demand.

Added flexibility in the purchase and use of the tickets

As a result of the ticket reform, there will be a greater selection of tickets available. For example, the new 10-trip series tickets are ideal for those who work or study at home part of the week.  

By transferring the tickets from the travels cards to the Trips and Tickets application, we seek to respond to changes in consumer behaviour and new customer needs. The application allows customers to buy and manage tickets quickly and flexibly regardless of time and place.

The sale and topping up of travel cards will end on 30 June 2023. Existing annual tickets and other nationwide ticket products can be purchased on travel cards up to the end of June. Travel cards will be good for travel up to the date of expiry even beyond June.

Check out the new nationwide series tickets


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